About Me

Hey, I’m Zarifou Djibril. I’m currently an Intern at the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. I’m a Data Analyst and Water Engineer (MSc.) with Robotics Programming Teaching background.

Who Am I

Hey friends. I’m Zarifou Djibril. A Data Analyst and Water Engineer with a background in Civil Engineering and Robotics Programming. I’ve been self-teaching myself Data Analysis through numerous Online Certificate Programs on different platforms.

Apologies for the self-focus, but this page is dedicated to sharing my personal journey 🙂.

Quick Facts About Me

  1. I hold an Associate Degree in business management from Anadolu University, Turkey – 2018.
  2. I hold a Bachelor Degree in civil engineer from Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey – 2018.
  3. I hold an MSc. Degree in water engineering from Tlemcen University and Pan African University Institute, Algeria – 2021.
  4. I speak Tem, Turkish, French and English. I taught French and Turkish online for almost 4 years.
  5. I started blogging about Data Analysis in 2023.

Some Useful Courses/Resources

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